Roofing Repairs
& Replacement

The two of the most important parts of your home are the Foundation and the Roof. A quality built home starts with a strong and level foundation. The Roof is equally important if not more so because it protects the entire structure as well as all your personal belongings.

Many Roofing companies do not take the time to get the details correct to them its just another roof job. At DISK Enterprises the details are everything. Starting with the National (Roofing Contractors Association) steep slope roofing guidelines which are taught and followed by all crews.

Secondly quality Roofing starts with our roofing material partners GAF, Owens Corning , and Tamko roofing products. These companies represent the best in the industry. Quality accessories are the final piece of the puzzle that brings it all together from synthetic underlayment’s, ventilation, flashings, skylights, plumbing flashings and sealants. Finally, a 15 year workmanship warranty to give you piece of mind that the job was done correctly.

Talk to DISK Enterprises today to hear about our Green building services.

Help make the place better for your children and your children’s children. Don’t settle for normal stick build operations. See how going green can help make our future brighter and greater.

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